Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Am I worth it?

Today I wanna talk about something I think every teenager thinks at least once in their lives.
"Am I worth it? Why am I here?" 
In the back of our minds, in the bottom of our hearts we know, that God loves us. That He wants us. But constantly we hear a voice that says I don't have a purpose, I'm not worth it. But God says the exact opposite. He died for us. Jesus loves us soooo much! We know this but these kinds of things need to be reinforced. It's hard for us to wrap our minds around a love that is unchanging and unconditional. When our actions and others actions are based on what other people do right or wrong, how can we think that Someone's love could be constant?
62% of 11 to 14 year olds have been in a relationship where they were called worthless, ugly, or stupid.
At a time when you're still trying to figure out who you are how does this help? Sometimes when we're older we can be more sure of ourselves. Sometimes not. But at eleven years old?!
40% of teens report knowing someone from 14 to 17 years old that have been physically abused by their boyfriend/girlfriend. When someone treats you as though you are less than human how can you see your worth?
People can try to tell us that we are not worth it. But we are. God cared enough to create us, to take the time to make us each different, unique, special.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, says The Lord, plans to prosper and to give you a future.
Psalm 139:14 For I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Exodus 19:5 You shall be unto to me a peculiar treasure.
God loves you. You are the child of the King of Kings. Never forget it.