Saturday, November 15, 2014

"Death with Dignity"....

They call it "Death with Dignity". I call it suicide made easy. Five states have already passed laws on death with dignity or assisted suicide. What happened to life being a gift? Something that wasn't to be wasted? Life is something given to us by God. Who are we to decide that we no longer need it. By passing this law these American states are playing God. We have no right to play God. 
Exodus 20:13 You shall not kill. 
Taking away a life is killing. No matter how you look at it someone ends up dead when you kill whether it is you or someone else. I'm not saying to judge these people. It is not our place to judge. But if it were in our power to prevent it shouldn't we do whatever we can? Those people who see no way out need to see the light at the end of the tunnel. That light is Jesus. 
Matthew 5:14 You are the light of the world.........16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. 
We have to let our light shine. No matter how horrible we feel. How many times do people who survived a suicide say, "If only someone had smiled at me....." or something to that effect? Now to recap Brittany Maynard's decision was completely different. She wanted to die even though she was happy. She determined that it wasn't worth it to wait a while longer until she got sicker. There is that common word that we hear about suicides. It wasn't worth it. Make it worth it. This world has become so self-centered. We have selfies for goodness sake. Some of us hardly even look up from our phones. But we are not of the world. Consider how many people's days that you could have changed just my smiling. If you've been alive for at least a decade that's 3,650 people you could have smiled at. One person a day. That doesn't sound so hard does it? Nearly 40,000 Americans die of suicide every year. Now suicide problems can't be healed by just a smile, but its a start. If 100 people smiled at one person a day for a whole year that would be almost 40,000 people. Let's start a movement. All you have to do it smile. Come on, we can do it, all we have to do is try. Start by smiling. Then ask how they're doing. Befriend them. Think how many people that we can smile at a year. It only takes a second to ask how they are. Let's do it! #smileateveryoneandchangetheworld