Friday, January 31, 2014

Tim Tebow

So many people inspire me. But they sometimes seem not to be human. As in it seems that they don't mess up. The person that inspires me the most is the one that messes up but admits it. All of those stars in Hollywood mess up and don't care. They don't admit it and certainly don't try to fix it. I am so glad that Tim Tebow admits this. He doesn't create an impossible image to follow.
I have so many things to work on and so many ways that I fail.
But that's what grace is all about.
And I wake up every morning,
trying to get better,
trying to improve,
and trying to get closer to God.
We need to follow his example. He admits he messes up but he tries to fix it. So many times we mess up and we don't try to fix it. God loves us and He wants us to be closer to Him. To walk on water to Him. To step out in faith. The time to change is now. Step out in faith. Grasp God's hands. Hold on to him. 
Faith is taking the first step
even when you can't see the whole staircase.
Everyone is afraid of the dark at one point in their life. Its because the darkness is unknown. But we must take that step and trust God. He loves you so much and wants to be closer to you.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Homefront Missionaries

"The will of God will not take us where the grace of God cannot sustain us." 
— Billy Graham

"To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you." 
— C.S. Lewis

 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
~James 1:27 ESV

In everyones mind, generally thinking, a missionary goes somewhere else. But nobody thinks about the missionaries all around us. Everyone walking next to you at school. Working beside you, liking your status on Facebook. Well how are these people missionaries? Being a missionary does not mean going to a foreign country to preach. That age old saying "Our actions speak louder than words"  is so true. If you want to really preach then you need to try to live. I'm not saying you have to be perfect. No. That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying, "Forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you." Try and love as many people as possible. Be a missionary. Be a missionary to anyone and everyone. God calls us to it. If you see someone hurting, reach out to them. Sometimes the people that need our love the most are the hardest to love. Try and love them anyway. "People pass and even if they don't know my name, is there evidence that I've been changed? When they see me do they see you?" (Sidewalk Prophets). This is what we need to strive for. Not always if you don't speak to someone will they know that you are changed but make it known. Even to people that you don't know. If you are already striving to be a missionary please don't get discouraged. I know how easy it is to fall back down when someone decides that they don't wanna listen anymore. But as Billy Graham said "The will of God will not take us where the grace of God cannot sustain us." Cling to God when you are discouraged. Ask for the words. And know that I am praying for all of the missionaries here at home. And above all remember you can change things and God loves you. All the time.


Saturday, January 18, 2014

Stumbling is a part of life.

I know that stumbling can be very discouraging sometimes but all you have to do is reach out and balance yourself. Jesus is waiting to hold you up. So many things can make you stumble but Jesus is the only real thing that can balance you. Whenever you mess up if you reach out to the wrong thing then you are going to fall. We. Need. Jesus. No if, ands, or buts about it. We need Him. Things will make you stumble. That is inevitable. God is the answer to all of our problems. And I mean all. When you stumble you need to run to God. When you stumble run to God. Give it to Him. And then don't think of it anymore. Make it part of the dance. When you give your problems over to God he helps you. Just trust it to Him.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Somethings Gotta Change

This song by Josh Wilson is so true.:
I'm hungry, God I'm hungry consuming what controls me. Somehow it never fills me up.
This talks about how we are consuming things of the world. Such as bad words, alcohol, drugs, etc. It can't ever fill you up. God is the only one who can fill you up. These things can very well control you. Thats why you shouldn't take part in these.
Everybody says we're all so different. But everybody knows we're all the same. We're all tryin to find a pill to numb the pain. Somethings gotta change.
Its so true. We really are all the same. We are controlled by sin. And we are all trying to find something to numb our pain. Alcohol, boyfriends/girlfriends, mind numbing tv. But it can never ever be enough. Something has to change. All these teens everywhere need God. They need Jesus.
Do you remember when you had so much hope within you.
We need to find that hope again in Jesus.
The more of us we swallow the more we become hollow. Until we don't know how to feel.
If we keep focusing on me,me,me then we are just going to become hollow. Most of us don't know how to really feel anymore. We say something without thinking about the consequences.
I can't believe I'm hearing people say that all is well. I think its time we admit we have no good within ourselves. 
Nothing is well. Teenagers are dying without Christ because of the things that they are doing. Purging, binge drinking, committing suicide. This has to stop. We need to spread the Gospel far and wide. We. Cannot. Hold. Back. Anymore. There is a time to speak and the time is now. (Warren Barfield, The time is now). We have no good within ourselves. We are a sinful creature. We need Christ. With Christ we can try to become more like Him. But we must focus on Him and spreading the Gospel.

Friday, January 3, 2014


Paul wrote Romans. Romans is full of encouraging things and it tells you to stay in the world but not of it.
It says to give our bodies as sacrifices. But how do we do these things without getting sucked back into the world. Prayer. (Romans 12) To give our bodies as sacrifices we must be holy and perfect. We can't be holy or perfect. Only God sees us as Jesus when we ask Him into our heart. Only afterwards we must strive to be like Jesus. Which means loving other people even when they do not love you back. I know this is a tough one since human nature is me first you last. You know that you might get hurt. You must pray in order to love people who don't love you back. Sometimes we forget to pray or use it as  a last resort. Why not use as the first thing you go to when you have a problem? Things would go a lot smoother if we only did this. Thats all.