Friday, December 20, 2013

Phil Robertson.

Phil Robertson:
Phil Robertson. The patriarch of the Duck Dynasty family. And he got suspended from the show? Because his words were misinterpreted? Phil Robertson was not saying to hate gays/lesbians. He was saying that although God loves them, sin is sin. We are supposed to love them too. The bible has said this for over 2000 years. The Robertson family is the best thing thats happened to this country in a while. We are supposed to love EVERYBODY only at the same time we have to recognize that sin is sin. We shouldn't let Phil Robertson go down without a fight. Hopefully they go to another network or A&E apologizes.

Being Gomer

For starters, GOMER is a girls name. Definitely a girl. This girl wasn't the best example. No this time we have Hosea. Now Hosea had to marry an adulterous wife (GOMER) because the Lord told him to. How would you feel if you had to do something that you knew would come back to haunt you? Anyway we are Gomer and Jesus is Hosea. Jesus is holy. We have sinned. We need Jesus. Or else we just keep doing bad things. Sinning. Jesus rescues us. But then we go back. We can't be like Gomer. In Hosea it is a prophecy of our relationship with Jesus. Everyone says we're all so different. But we are really very alike. All of us are sinners. And at one point or another we have gone astray from the straight and narrow path. I want you to know that although sinning is bad, God loves you and will forgive you. Just ask. Everyone has messed up once or twice. Although as Christians we try to do less of it, we do mess up. Just ask God to forgive you. (if you've already accepted him as Lord and Savior)
PS. Look up Hosea and read it this weekend.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

John 3:16

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

Now you know how little kids believe in Santa Claus but the older ones seem to let logic cloud their judgement and they decide he isn't real. This is true only sometime it seems to cloud our judgement when teenagers try to belief in Jesus & God. We start to reason that it's like Santa Claus. Its for little kids but not for us. Maybe later we can go back to it. Only for just now we have grown out of it. It's not cool anymore. And what will my friends think? We start telling ourselves that we don't need Him. When the reality is HE doesn't need us. We keep causing him hurt and disappointment. Only He loves us. Who else would die on the cross for us. If we don't need Him then why did he do that. God knows all. Jesus is for everyone. Don't say well I'm this or I'm that. Because in all reality we are all one thing. SINNERS. Only God loves us. Jesus loves us. Jesus is most definitely NOT Santa Claus. Jesus will always be there for us. He is NOT made up. He isn't only there for us one night a year. Quite the contrary. Jesus is real. And he is here for us always. Don't you dare say Jesus isn't what you need. Cause HE is! God is and always will be.